Medipim DE - API V4

Developer documentation

Field Glossary

(Last updated: )


The platform supports the native spoken languages for DE
We have also included English as this is the most common language among web development.

Possible values are: de, en

Localized fields will always look like:

  • xxx:
    • language_iso2: ...

Product identifier codes

  • ean[]: EAN stands for European Article Number, which is a global trade number (GTIN) issued by GS1. GTINs are usually 8, 12, 13, or 14 digits long.
    This field is designed to hold current and legacy EAN-info about the product, thus it can contain multiple values.
  • gtin: GTIN stands for Global Trade Number, it's a globally recognised number issued by GS1 that's tied to a specific product. GTINs are usually 8, 12, 13, or 14 digits long.
    This field is designed to hold legacy GTIN-info about the product. (⚠️ deprecated use eanGtin14 instead)
  • eanGtin8: EAN 8 is used to identify products using 8-digit global trade number (GTIN 8). It is typically used outside the US and Canada.
  • eanGtin12: EAN12 is used to identify products using a 12-digit global trade number (GTIN 12). It is typically used within the US and Canada though.
  • eanGtin13: EAN13 is used to identify products using a 13-digit global trade number (GTIN 13). It is typically used outside the US and Canada.
  • eanGtin14: EAN 14 / GTIN is used to identify products using a 14-digit global trade number (GTIN 14). It is typically used outside the US and Canada.
  • pzn: Pharmazentralnummer (PZN) is a variant of Code 39 - Regular that is used for the distribution and marking of health care and pharmaceutical products. This code is 8 digits long in Germany.

Target groups

The content on Medipim is designed for multiple target groups.

  • public
  • pharmacist
  • doctor
  • homecare
  • hospital
  • nurse
  • physiotherapist
  • webshop


Photo types

A photo can have one of the following types:

  • packshot
  • productshot
  • lifestyle_image
  • pillshot

Visible sides

The following sides of the product can be visible on a photo:

  • front
  • left
  • right
  • back
  • bottom
  • top

Link types

Links on Medipim can have one of the following types:

  • app
  • brochure
  • video
  • website

Product descriptions

Description types

code de en
full_description Allgemeine Beschreibung General description
faq Häufig gestellte Fragen Frequently asked questions
measurements Maße Measurements
legal_text Rechtstext Legal text
indication Indikations Indications
contra_indication Kontraindikation Contra indications
usage Anwendungshinweise Uses
usage_extended Nutzung erweitert Uses extended
composition Zusammensetzung Composition
properties Eigenschaften Properties
side_effects Nebenwirkungen Side effects
nutritional_value Nährwert Nutritional value
usage_type Nutzungsart Uses type
pregnancy_description Warnungen und Hinweise bei Schwangerschaft Pregnancy description
pregnancy_description_extended Schwangerschaftshinweise erweitert Pregnancy description extended
breastfeeding_description Warnungen und Hinweise für die Stillzeit Breastfeeding description
breastfeeding_description_extended Stillzeithinweise erweitert Breastfeeding description extended
interactions Interaktionen Interactions
warnings Weltanschauungen Warnings
keywords Schlüsselwörter Keywords


The hasContent filter allows you to filter products if they have a specific field. Let's say you want to get all products which have a weight value. Then you would just use this filter in the body:

"hasContent": {
"flag" : "weight"

This is a very effective way to refine your selection and get optimized results. Of course, this can be combined with different filters. Such as the AND, NOT, OR filters. You can use the get-fields] endpoint to get a list of all the possible flags to filter on.

Add a locale parameter for fields that have localized values.

"hasContent": {
"flag": "descriptions.usage",
"locale": "de"

See below for an advanced use case involving the hasContent filter.


In our system, the CTI enables grouping of products where the product is identical except for the quantity indication. This allows you to group identical products for which different packaging exists.

Grouping by Name (nameCti)

In our system, the field 'group by product name' or in the API 'nameCti' enables grouping of products where the name is identical except for the quantity indication. This allows you to group identical products for which different packaging exists.

An identical value (?) is assigned for products where the name is identical except for the quantity indication. This allows you to group identical products for which different packaging exists. Note: Medipim retrieves the name of a product from various sources. Poorly structured names can lead to discrepancies.

HTML content

Tags that are not allowed (or invalid HTML) are stripped from the content.
Allowed HTML tags and their allowed properties:

  • <b>:
  • <i>:
  • <p>: `style`
  • <table>: `style`, `border`
  • <tbody>:
  • <thead>:
  • <tfoot>:
  • <tr>:
  • <th>: `style`, `colspan`, `rowspan`
  • <td>: `style`, `colspan`, `rowspan`
  • <ol>:
  • <ul>:
  • <li>:
  • <span>: `style`
  • <strong>:
  • <em>:
  • <div>: `class`, `style`
  • <h1>:
  • <h2>:
  • <h3>:
  • <h4>:
  • <h5>:
  • <h6>:
  • <dl>:
  • <dt>:
  • <dd>:
  • <blockquote>:
  • <sup>:
  • <sub>:

Numerical operators

Numerical operators are used in specific filters on Medipim; Their value can be one of the following:

  • eq
  • gt
  • gte
  • lt
  • lte
  • neq